installation view
installation view
installation view
installation view
installation view
Installation Views of Balls to the Wall, at LADIES’ Room, 2019

Human LuminescenceHuman Luminescence Human Luminescence, 2019
Powdercoated aluminum, light fixture, ultraviolet lightbulb, spandex bands
72 x 48 x 12 inches approximately

Twisted Octagon, Yellow RectangleTwisted Octagon, Yellow RectangleTwisted Octagon, Yellow RectangleTwisted Octagon, Yellow Rectangle, 2016-2019
Cotton twine, stainless steel nails, paint on wall,
75 x 95 x 10 inches

New Stellar Research New Stellar ResearchNew Stellar Research, 2018-2019
Cotton rope, acrylic paint, natural dye, rit dye, silk, indigo, bamboo, polyvinyl acetate, paracord, linen, acrylic yarn on plywood, wood, sheetrock, steel
97.75 x 49.75 x 9 inches

Scorpio MoonScorpio Moon, 2019
Yarn (Bamboo, silk, wool, cotton, acrylic) Natural dye (madder, indigo, logwood), nails, plywood, sheetrock, house paint, wood frame
16 x 15 x 4.75 inches

Balls to the WallBalls to the Wall, 2019
Yarn (cotton, acrylic maybe wool-check the dark green), Natural dyes (indigo, madder, logwood, turmeric) nails, sheetrock, wood
18 x 18 x 7 inches

Three minutes (Purple Balls)Three minutes (Purple Balls)Three Minutes (Purple Balls), 2019
Cotton, nails, sheetrock, plywood, house-paint, wood frame
18.5 x 18.25 x 3 inches

Brain Wave Visualizer (Pink Ball) Brain Wave Visualizer (Pink Ball), 2017-2019
Cotton rope and acrylic paint
16 x 16 x 16 inches (height is variable approx 16” from floor)
